Thursday, September 20, 2012

LEGO GOD (Part 1) > The Therapist God > 10 Tweets

  1. Ex. 20:3-5a. False gods are "Lego gods" -- figments of imagination and products of human creativity. #idolatry
  2. Ex. 32:19-24. The creativity (creative excusing) required to build a "Lego god" goes way back. "Out came this calf." #idolatry
  3. "If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated." (Voltaire) -- #legogod
  4. Jam. 1:21-25. Refusal to act upon good counsel stalls the change process. God is interested in changing people. #legogod #therapistgod
  5. Do you keep your visits with God and keep talking until your time is up? #legogod #therapistgod #prayer
  6. Telling God EVERYTHING about it DOESN'T mean He wants you to do NOTHING about it. #legogod #therapistgod #change
  7. God is more than your therapist; He is a CATALYST. His agenda is CHANGE. #legogod #therapistgod #change
  8. Mt. 13:20-21 > "... persecution arises because of the WORD..." Some get offended when God does MORE than listen. #legogod #therapistgod
  9. We must do more than "have a little TALK with Jesus." How about a little WALK with Jesus? (Col. 2:6-7) #legogod #therapistgod #discipleship
  10. God doesn't want just your problems. He wants ALL of you (Mk. 12:30). #legogod #therapistgod #totalsurrender

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