Friday, June 22, 2012

The 25 to 1 Ratio

Let's talk about the last card you bought.  Twenty-five people before you thought the message, feel or design of the card wasn't good enough. They didn't buy it.

"A greeting card is touched an
average of 25 times before it is bought."

If you share the gospel, you WILL be rejected.  You will be rejected A LOT.  For every 25 people you speak with concerning the gospel, eternal life or even church for that matter, one gives you the time of day.  At least that's how it SEEMS.  (Is anyone with me on this?)

Card companies know this 25 to 1 ratio.  They sell to the one, not the 25.  Hey, that's good advice!  When you share the gospel, do it for the sake of the one who WILL listen.  You might have to endure 25 rejections, but the interested one more than makes up for that.

Realize that a 25 to 1 ratio means 4 percent success.  For every 50 people you speak with, 2 will at least be interested.  Why aren't more people getting saved?  MAYBE we're just not talking to enough people.  It could be that simple.

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